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IIAS Workshop : Communities in Between: Redefining Social Spaces in Southeast Asian Borderlands.

Date : 3-4 Novembre 2014
Lieu : ENS de Lyon, site Buisson, 15 Parvis René Descartes, Lyon, France.

Organised by the Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO) and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)

The workshop “Communities in Between: Redefining Social Spaces in Southeast Asian Borderlands” will study Southeast Asia based on networks, processes, transitions, polyvalence, and fluidity, in opposition with the concepts of the “nation­‐state” or the “region”. The participants will revisit state-­‐society relations through the perspective of the borderlands as they can be seen as products of a social and political negotiation of space. They will highlight the ongoing deep transformation of statehood, citizenship, sovereignty and identity formations along routes and borders across Southeast Asia. While globalization theories have put emphasis on the dissolutions of borders, the waning of the state power, as well as the destruction of local traditions and communities, this workshop seeks to unravel the ways in which everyday practices of peripheral subjects intersect with central powers, thus producing heterogeneous scenarios of manoeuvring, negotiation, collaboration, and resistance. The contributions will show how peripheral subjects are increasingly engaging in processes of globalization and development, and concomitantly, how the state engages in projecting frontier areas into national territory, using the new spaces thus produced as means of reinforcement of state authority.



[Rethinking Asia]

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Admin IAO (23 octobre 2014). IIAS Workshop : Communities in Between: Redefining Social Spaces in Southeast Asian Borderlands. Blog de l'IAO. Consulté le 13 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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